Friday, July 2, 2010

DAY 3 !!!!!

Well its day 3 did my new shake this morning much better tasting than the other I had . I am hungry but I think it is more psychological than really being hungry broth and popsicles are my bestfriends rite now and I enjoy dinner more than ever. I was thinking its funny I have done probably most diets out ther some worked better than others but the weight always came back some you just could not stick to and some just plain did not work! To me this procedure be a great tool it will help from the inside out while I work from the outside in and maybe its that combination that has been missing all along. Lots of people think this is to be cute but for those of us who have struggled with weight know it goes so far beyond that that that aspect almost isnt even a consideration when you get to this point you are driven by life and it ending later not sooner because your health is not the brdt and it seems like more issues pop up all the time.So I say to those who think that appearence is the issue that no living is the issue. I want to exsperience life with my children not watch them exsperience ot from the sidelines!!
This journey will have its struggles I am not so nieve as to not get that but it is a journey I choose to take so I will meet the challenges and succeed ! For those of you who are going to follow this journey welcome glad to have you on board !!!!!!

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