Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I was watching the news this morning and sat wondering with all the problems in our world on the home front and abroad is there anyplace to lay blame or a point were we can look back and find out what or were we went wrong and got to thinking.
I am 39 and have 3 children,I am a stay at home mother , we are a dying breed weather by choice or by force the stay at home parent is a dying breed.I am a feminist in that I do think women should be treated equal and have the same rites as everyone else,however there was a price to be paid for those rites.I do not think that it should only be a mothers choice to be at home dads are just as able to make the same choice.
My mother is a Baby Boomer she has always worked outside of the home even when it was not the "trendy" thing to do ,in my younger day divorced parents were the minority not the majority as it is with my children today.
My Mom got no help from the government and child support enforcement was not enforced so she did it on her own and through watching her I learned that hard work had a purpose and will and determination was something you had to find in yourself that know one was going to hand it to you.
This is the point , as the years went by we began to lavish our children with everything if they wanted it there was no waiting they had it weather it was something as simple as cartoons which my generation had to wait until Saturday to find out what happened the future generations could have cartoons 24/7 the anticipation of waiting or the excitement that it brought was gone with cable.
The family dinner is another thing going the way of the curb,that was the sharing time of how the day had gone what had happened what had not happened it was a time for parents to take the pulse of their kids,are parents today even aware their children have a pulse? I am not sure how can parents be so out of touch with their kids that they are unaware they are planning to blow up the school,kill teachers or students or are so depressed that they could take their own lives or that they have acquired a gun,is it that they the parents themselves are to busy with their own lives that their children's lives are just passing them by?
The American dream is fine if having things and beating the Jones or the Smiths is your goal then fine but don't be shocked when the family unit rots at the core and all you are left with are those things,your stuff.
I always thought the American Dream was family values,morals and traditions and that hard work would make you prosperous,not who could you swindle, scam or cut corners on to obtain your goals who is the real winner there and what do we teach the future generations if the lesson is self are we not left with selfishness and if that is the lesson taught then do we really have the rite to be shocked at the outcome? Then there are those of us who still try to instill the rite way who in the end pay the price for those who got their stuff were is the fairness in that?